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Our Story

Living in the information age means that our lives are constantly impacted by news, and data, that may or may not be true or accurate, transmitted blazingly fast across a mind-blowing array of technology platforms. Recognizing the impact of all the information is a significant challenge. We believe that those who face this challenge and actually do something about it will do better in this digital age than those who don’t. TalkNest is a powerful weapon in the battle for truth and actionable information. It’s a simple, no-BS space to share and discuss what’s happening in our world from the latest national, world, and local news to the swings of ever-moving global markets. Think of TalkNest as your very own platform on which you run a combination newsroom, talk show, and trading desk. Create public or private forums to dive deeply into the news and stocks of the moment and intelligently debate the issues, perspectives, and possibilities that matter most to you, your network, and your bottom line.
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